A Fantasy Webcomic by @MattWhodraws.
Ariador is a mysterious land, with nearly all forms of biome represented, from frozen tundra to arid desert, with lush forests, marshes and grassland in between. Great mountain ranges stretch across the land, some imposing and impassible like the chain of Urthrax Mountains. Rivers divide the land, but none are so mighty as the Tibruin, beside which the IMperial City was built in the heart of Ariador. The Imperial City is Ariador's capital... or so says humanity.
Ariador is a peninsula 2,000 miles wide, bordered by the Aeromir and Casamir seas. the north disappears into an uncharted and inhospitiable region known as the Frozen wastes. There, Orcs amass power in their strongholds, and hordes of bloodthirsty barbarians roam.
A great and inexplicable wasteland inhabits the northwestmost region known as the Western bane; thousand-year-old legends decree it is the scar left upon the land when Dane the Dragonslayer destroyed the ruler of all dragons.
Two incredibly vast forested regions serve as home to the Wood Elves. in Evendil lies the remarkable city of Vallenahn, and within Elessahn lies Ornithas.
Halflings make their home in the pleasant rolling hills of the west. To the south, the great city of Frey can be found, and to the North the sprawling Northron city of Hrolfheim.
Settlers who braved Dane's Divide, the mountain pass in the northeast, settled Dane's Landing and Journey's End, though those gifted in the ways of magic may attend lessons in the ancient spire that is the College of Mineros, alone and towering above its island home.
The dwarves live underground in their northern Capital of Bthorak, in vast halls constructed millenia ago under a mountain of the same name, while yet other Dwarves live under the Ondurast mountains in the southwest in the incredible city of Raldbthar. The Dark Elves inhabit all territory below the surface between these two Dwarven cities, in halls and outposts that once belonged to the Dwarves, and in their great and terrible city of Illoth.
None know what lies in the southeast, locked away by the Urthrax Mountains...
The strange land of Ashtar lies far across the Casamir Sea to the southwest of Ariador, and is easily triple its size. People of Ariador do not travel there or, at least, do not return to tell tales of Ashtar.
yet, for decades, Ashtarens have been seeking refuge in Ariador, escaping the wrath of the warring families that each claim to rule the land. These Ashtarens speak of Ashtar's vast deserts and great port cities, but they are from Ashtar's northwest;even they have not ventured to the other regions of the massive continent.